Friday, March 15, 2013

iOS 7 Software Update Release Date to 2013?

pple has the safest mobile operating system right now, it just needs a lot of innovation. I think Apple should use the "do it now, fix it up later" strategy for iOS 7. I know that Maps wasn't the best innovation that Apple has done, but feature-wise, it was comparable to other maps application in a sense that it was new to the market. Apple should get the whole UI of iOS to a whole new level.

I wouldn't be surprised if they showed a preview of it/announced something relating to it around March/April time, as that's when they'd normally release the iPad - especially as over the past year they've broken the mould with their traditional release schedule somewhat.

I don't think that we should expect Apple to stick with any set schedule. Within the last year, they've showed a willingness to break a schedule, and ship a product when it is ready.

Blood will be shed over the fights over whether or not iOS 7 will be released. Like come on, iOS 6 is only at 6.0.1, and then a 7 comes along. It's happening too quickly. Not that I'm not welcoming change, but if major releases are going to be released every year, then we might as well go to the iPad naming route, calling each release like iOS 6 and new updates as just "the new update to iOS 6", because there are too many numbers in the decimal system.

I for one am going to be crossing my fingers, toes, legs, arms, eyes and anything else I can manage, in the vainest of vain hope that Apple will blow me away with the next iOS/iPhone release. Thereby making me ditch my Android a year earlier than I had hoped. Unfortunately even though I'd be comparable to some incredibly experienced contortionist, and I seem really dedicated, my hopes aren't overly high. I really hope Jony Ive works his magic software-wise as well as hardware...

Apple does have the largest ecosystem, and definitely the safest Mobile OS to date. Android-users bleat all they like that this isn't true, we all know it is. Apple need to take what they have by the horns and give it a good kick up the backside to gain more marketshare. iOS has unfortunately gone stale, and it pains me to admit that. Soon, soon....

As underwhelming as iOS 6 was (both inside and out), I'm willing to bet that iOS 7 has been in the works for a while. As such, I wouldn't be surprised at all to see a release at WWDC and an unveil for developers to begin using sometime in March or April. Frankly, I'm hoping that's what happens, as Android's pace of release is beginning to show some real advantages (but only for those with Nexus devices).

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